New Louisiana
Angel Funds
New Louisiana Angel Funds 1, 2 and 3 are North Louisiana’s first angel investment funds. The funds’ objective is to provide capital to entrepreneurs and investment opportunities to accredited investors wanting to promote high-growth startup opportunities headquartered in the region.

BRF spearheaded the formation of the New Louisiana Angel Fund 1 (NLAF 1) in 2015 to fill the gap resulting from a regional lack of organized investment resources for startups. NLAF 1 was the first North Louisiana angel investor group and met monthly to evaluate startups for funding.
To ensure a vibrant innovation ecosystem, North Louisiana needs a well-managed investor fund comprised of accredited investors who meet regularly to evaluate marketable opportunities. NLAF 1 was created with $2.6 million raised to provide funding to entrepreneurs and investment opportunities to accredited investors who want to promote the growth of business initiatives in Shreveport-Bossier and North Louisiana.
NLAF 1 is fully invested. NLAF investors make all investment decisions, while BRF manages the funds.

NLAF 2 was formed in 2018 with $3.1 million raised and is fully invested. While all NLAF funds have the same mission, NLAF 2 was unique in that six North Louisiana universities participated in the fund, and students and faculty from those institutions participated in and learned from the fund’s due-diligence process.

NLAF 3 was formed in 2024 with $3.1 million raised with 70 investors. Hundreds of opportunities have been reviewed over eight years for potential funding through the first two funds, with 25 companies being approved for investment. NLAF 3 has found footing with a new generation of investors in North Louisiana, drawing interest in younger investors than ever before.
NLAF is syndicated with investor groups in New Orleans, Austin, Dallas, Houston and Baton Rouge, which provide opportunities for additional funding of its startup companies. In addition, NLAF angels may participate with “side car” deals, whereby members can individually make additional investments in an NLAF-funded company.
- State & regional higher ed faculty, staff and students
- Community individuals
- Angel networks & investors
- Accountants/lawyers and other professionals
- Marketing and public relations
- Market Analysis
- Financial Analysis
- Business Plan Development
- Creating the Pitch
- Angel Funding
- Side car Funding
- Venture Capital
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