by Courtney Bryan | Jun 10, 2020 | News, tab5, tabfive, test
BRF condemns discrimination, racism and brutality against the black community in all forms and supports efforts that advance justice. Our hearts are heavy these days. The senseless death of George Floyd has once again opened a national wound and has made it clear that...
by Courtney Bryan | May 1, 2020 | home, News, tab5, tabfive
BRF receives donation from Tencent of 20,000 KN95 respirator masks for distribution to healthcare settings in Northwest Louisiana BRF (formerly the Biomedical Research Foundation) has received a donation of 20,000 KN95 respirator masks from Tencent, a leading...
by Courtney Bryan | Apr 21, 2020 | home, News, tab5, tabfive
For BRF’s April 2020 Quarterly Report, click here.
by Courtney Bryan | Mar 2, 2020 | home, News, tab5, tabfive
BRF is pleased to announce Lennis S. Elston, CPA as the new chairman of its Board of Directors. Elston has been a BRF board member for over five years and most recently served as vice chairman during 2019. She began her tenure as chairman in January 2020. Elston has...
by Courtney Bryan | Feb 24, 2020 | home, News, tab5, tabfive
BRF was recently awarded a grant from the Carolyn W. and Charles T. Beaird Family Foundation to purchase computers for Southwood High School students taking part in the Biotechnology Magnet Academy. It will also partially fund a College Navigator who helps Biotech...